Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why don't I just go Blog about it?

I have heard that thrown about a lot as an insult before to those indie, computer-y people but only now have I actually considered actually doing the stereotypical blog-bash. My first time doing it so I hope I can do it right.

I have a class here where I legitimately feel the professor was wrong in both how he was going about things and what he declared to be the right answer to some questions. You cannot say someone is wrong for one reason then immediately say another person is wrong because the other person's reasoning was right, but only in this specific circumstances. It was exactly as confusing in class as it was to read that, if not more so.

Religious hypocrisy is exactly what it says on the tin, right? Hypocrisy as it relates to religion, it's laws, and belief requirements. I am not wrong because you decided to stick with one definition, nor am I wrong for saying an Origin Story can be the origin of anything from Earth to Tribe to Tradition. That is literally what it means. Culture Hero Story, the story of an individual who went out and did something not normal to that culture and set a precedent in doing so. I am not asking you to read my mind, I am asking you to read my answer and have prior knowledge of definitions.

Now, if you didn't have that oh so important other class to go to, I was going to tell you this in person, but god forbid you wait all of five minutes.

Moving on.

Noble Savage. That is complete and utter bullshit. Were the Native Americans all horrible, bloodthirsty monsters? Absolutely not. Were they kindly souls who only wished to live in harmony and make peace with the settlers? God no. The Native Americans had their own religions and only seemed to be so accepting because they had never been exposed to another kind of religion. Curiosity does not equate acceptance. Get that through your head. They were never exposed to major forms of other religions because, gasp, they were a stone age people. Blah blah blah, bottom line is, they were technologically inferior. They. Were. Savages. They had no iron or bronze, they had stone and wood.

Savage: Uncivilized, Vicious, Primitive.

Uncivilized? Kind of, depending on the culture.
Vicious? At times, but then, who isn't.
Primitive? Yes, yes, yes.

They were a primitive culture and could not compete with the threat of an invading civilization that was several Ages more advanced than they were. They had a choice, either conform or die. The responses were mixed, but you have to face the facts. They stood no chance.

I plan to bring this up sometime next class, though I would like responses here too, but keep it CIVIL.

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