Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ciao Ciao

Hey, I'm Ryan and I have been taken by the desire to for some reason project my personal feelings and daily happening onto the internet for any who so desire to read. I'll be updating this blog whenever I feel like it, but I probably won't let it fall by the wayside because, I can face it, I like to bitch.

I'm artsy in that I draw and write and am just antisocial enough to warrant attention and social enough to react to it. I took Italian for five years so pieces of the language can and will creep into my posts. I love the language and am continuing to study it here at my college. I also love English as a language and I am much more capable of expressing thoughts and ideas in it, so fret not, non-Italians.

I'll get on with this introduction crap and get to posting all the deep and personal stuff soon, bear with me.

I debate, I argue, more or less, I have opinions and I will share them with you. A sure fire way to piss me off is to tell me my opinions mean nothing. They may mean nothing to you, but they do not mean nothing. My spelling is usually quite good, but I am not perfect. You can help me become perfect by pointing out misspelled words, misused phrases, or grammatical inconsistencies. Do not hesitate to do that for me. That said, rule number one: Don't be a prick.

I will probably explain the other rules in a later post at a later date. As a good friend of mine likes to say, ja ne.

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