Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If My Name Were Self-Descriptive...

I would be eating myself at this point. I left my student ID card at home during my last visit and as such have not been able to eat at the dining hall for the past two-three days. That is not to say I have not been eating, but I have been rationing my 3 containers of easy-mac, five cans of soup, and single bag of popcorn like a post-apocalyptic war survivor. Luckily said card is in the mail and will arrive some time tomorrow. I think I can last, but my roommate has been looking at my stash. I might have to kill him and microwave what remains in order to survive.

Lack of an ID card has also caused me some grief in other areas, such as being able to enter most buildings, but lucky for me security means nothing so people hold open doors for anyone who is not openly brandishing a fire-arm, or who is at least making an effort to conceal it. I can't print things out at the Library either, but the only teacher who has not been understanding so far was one I don't like anyway, so no love lost. If I'm not back in a week, send a search party. I could use their flesh to survive.

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